Nano Inorganic Applied Chemistry LabInstitute of Carbon Fusion Technology
"The effect of carbon black on reforming of pyrolysis fuel oi…"
Kyung Hoon Kim, Sangmin Lee, Min-Il Kim, Young-Seak Lee, Fuel, 206, 58-63
"Modification of textural properties of CuO-supported activat…"
Byong Chol Bai, Chul Wee Lee, Young-Seak Lee, Ji Sun Im, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 200, 361-367
"Treatment of radioactive waste salt by using synthetic silic…"
In-Hak Cho, Hwan-Seo Park*, Ki-Rak Lee, Jung-Hun Choi, In-Tae Kim, Jin Mok Hur, Young-Seak Lee, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 493, 388-397
"Preparation of Conductive Carbon Films from Poly(vinyl alcoh…"
Lee, Jang-Yong, Jung, Jin-Mook, Kim, Do-Young, Lee, Young Seak,Jung, Chan-Hee, Shin, Kwanwoo, Choi, Jae-Hak, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 17, 5481-5484
"Fluorination effect of activated carbons on performance of a…"
Hanjoo Jo, Kyung Hoon Kim, Min-Jung Jung, Jae Hyun Park, Young-Seak Lee, Applied Surface Science, 409, 117-123
"Improvement of rate capability by graphite foam anode for Li…"
Sunghyun Lim, Ji-Hyun Kim, Yuto Yamada, Hirokazu Munakata, Young-Seak Lee, Sung-Soo Kim, Kiyoshi Kanamura, Journal of Power Source, 355, 164-170
"The enhanced thermal and mechanical properties of graphite f…"
Ji-Hyun Kim, Hyung-Ik Lee, Young-Seak Lee, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 696, 174-181
"Enhancement of Electrochemical Properties of Activated Carbo…"
조한주, 정민정, 이영석, Polymer, 41, 500-506
"Enhancement of the electrochemical capacitance of TiOF2 obta…"
Min-Jung Jung, Yesol Kim, Young-Seak Lee, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 47, 187-193
"The effects of carbon coating onto graphite filler on the st…"
Ji-Hyun Kim, Do Young Kim and Young-Seak Lee, carbon letters, 21, 111-115
"석유계 바인더 피치의 β-resin 이 탄소블럭의 밀도에 미치는 영향"
김경훈, 이상민⋅안동해⋅이영석, Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28, 432-436
"질소가 도핑 된 흑연섬유 발열체의 제조 및 발열특성"
김민지, 이경민⋅이상민⋅여상영⋅최석순⋅이영석, Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28, 80-86
"무전해 구리도금 된 흑연 섬유의 발열 특성"
이경민, 김민지, 이상민, 여상영, 이영석, Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 55, 264-269
"전자빔이 조사된 활성탄소섬유 기반 가스센서의 일산화질소 감지 특성"
이상민, 정민정, 이경민, 이영석, Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28, 299-305
"고출력 전기이중층 캐패시터를 위한 핏치계 활성탄소섬유의 함산소불소화 처리"
정민정, 고윤영, 김경훈, 이영석, Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28, 638-644