Nano Inorganic Applied Chemistry LabInstitute of Carbon Fusion Technology
"Improved gas sensing of electrospun carbon fibers based on p…"
Ji Sun Im, Seok Chang Kang, Sei-Hyun Lee, Young-Seak Lee, Carbon, 48, 2573-2581
"Preparation and Characterization of Electrospun TiO 2-Activa…"
Jung MJ, Jeong E, Jang JS, Lee YS, Carbon letters, 11, 28-33
"Enhanced adhesion and dispersion of carbon nanotube in PANI/…"
Ji Sun Im, Jong Gu Kim, Sei-Hyun Lee, Young-Seak Lee, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 364, 151-157
"mproved photodegradation properties and kinetic models of a …"
Ji Sun Im, Byong Chol Bai, Se Jin In, Young-Seak Lee, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 346, 216-221
"Electro-responsive transdermal drug release of MWCNT/PVA nan…"
Y.Y. Kim, J.M. Yun, Y.S. Lee, and H.I. Kim, Carbon letters, 11, 211-215
"The impact of fluorinated MWCNT additives on the enhanced dy…"
Ji Sun Im, Euigyung Jeong, Se Jin In, Young-Seak Lee, Composites Science and Technology, 70, 763-768
"New application of clay filler for carbon/carbon composites …"
E. Jeong, J. Kim, Y.S. Lee, Carbon letters, 11, 293-297
"Effect of oxyfluorination on electromagnetic interference sh…"
Jumi Yun, Ji Sun Im, Young-Seak Lee, Hyung-Il Kim, European Polymer Journal, 46, 900-909
"Removal of Cu (Ⅱ) ions by Alginate/Carbon Nanotube/Maghemite…"
Jeon S, Yun J, Lee YS, Kim HI, Carbon letters, 11, 117-121
"Characterization of nanocrystalline porous SiC powder by ele…"
Sang Jin Kim, Seok-Min Yun, Young-Seak Lee, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16, 273-277
"The effect of carbon nanotubes on drug delivery in an electr…"
Ji S. Im, Byong Ch. Bai, Young-Seak Lee, Biomaterials, 31, 1414-1419
"Chemical hydrogen storage and release properties using redox…"
Hong-Soon Kim, Kwang-Seo Cha, Byoung-Kwan Yoo, Tae-Gong Ryu, Young-Seak Lee, Chu-Sik Park, Young-Ho Kim, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16, 81-86
"Preparation and pH-Sensitive Release Behavior of Alginate/Ac…"
Han MH, Yun J, Lee YS, Kim HI, Carbon letters, 11, 122-126
"Fluorination of electrospun hydrogel fibers for a controlled…"
Ji Sun Im, Jumi Yun, Youn-Mook Lim, Hyung-Il Kim, Young-Seak Lee, Acta Biomaterialia, 6, 102-109
"Photocatalytic degradation of Procion Blue dye in aqueous so…"
Min-Jung Jung, Ohseob Kwon, Ji Sun Im, K. Palanivelu, and Young-Seak Lee, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10, 297-302